Person 1: I am always confused and end up selecting the wrong photographic studio.
Person 2: Why is it so?
Person 1: Millions of choices available, How can I select the best out of it?
Also since I am trying to start my new business would like to know the eCommerce photography needs.
Person 2: Don’t worry. Let me help you.
How to select the right kind of photographic studio for the product?
Person 1: Here are some tips which might help you!
1) Checking their Portfolio:
Every worthwhile company would always have with themselves a sample of their previous work. Go through it thoroughly and see if it matches your style.
If their work is attractive, worthy of giving a try, and professional? Should be the questions that come to your mind. Many times the video/photography portfolios will be available on the official website always give them a view before selecting.

2) Searching the digital platform
One of the very fundamental ways of knowing about the studio. Google has made the job easy for you by shortlisting the top hit searches through its effective ranking methodology.
Going through the people poll and opinion about the company can act helpful and be one of its criteria of selection too.

3) Asking them what makes them different?
A question which helps you to know if they are competitive, aware of their strength and gives a hand in knowing efficiency. If the studio has a dull answer to this, it would simply imply its ineffectiveness and cannot be committed without a doubt. Not just the question but the answer given by them could be used as the question for other studios. So it is a two-way helper.
4) Placing themselves in your shoes
The studio you are planning to select should have with you the proper understanding of your needs and challenges. They should rubberize themselves according to your need and not remain adamant (not ready to change according to the scenario).
5) Cost
This should have been in the top #3 but I didn’t want to keep it as your central idea and thus added it in the end so as to involve this along with others equally. Let’s face it, money is not always the central idea behind why you started or planned to find an eCommerce photographic studio, passion can also be one.
See that the money they ask for is well within reach and worth investing. After all, it’s the money which we invest in these non-banking stations expecting a higher return.*winks* in the future.

See to it they are trustworthy and their quality matches their price/cost.
** Trust me on this one don’t worry about the cost. GO with your passion. But never avoid looking at the quality of their shooting samples. Most Important. **
Person 1: Thanks a lot. I have it all cleared now!*smiles*
Just one last question if you don’t mind.
Person 2: Go on!
Person 1: If I plan to start my own E-commerce Photographic studio then?
Person 2: Well the need for an e-commerce photographic studio. They are pretty similar to the ones above.
Let me add some more focusing on the start-up.
1) Cataloging your products
The organization is the key to maximizing the productivity of the company. Always keep things organized and systematic under proper titles or tags. As its not just your samples with which a customer is impressed but also the way you work.
Keep all of them paired and cataloged by color or description. (if applicable).
2) Backup your images
Don’t let a small mistake cost you your content. Keep everything backed up don’t wait for yet another COVID-19 to hit you.
Keep all your samples backed up digitally so that if in case you lost a hard copy of it in the future you at least have the soft copy to show. It is never wrong in being precautious. It always helps. Some digital backup platforms like Google Drive, DropBox, Bitcasa, etc.

3) Keep an answer
Don’t let what you learned today go to waste. Use the above content to your advantage. Be ready with the answers to the above-given questions. Imagine the person coming to your studio knows it all.
It can also be used to your advantage to magnet the customers. Wherein even if they didn’t ask you the above questions, the answers you keep would be a way of them knowing that you are professional.

4) Select a model

One of the most primitive needs for setting up the photography studio is having your own model to showcase the objects.
People view themselves as the model and the selection criteria for the studio. If you miss giving them a model sample you miss the contract.
5) Availability of Technical Tools
You should have a wide variety of tools and also highly talented staff alongside to help you.
Availability of tools not just increases the quality of your shooting samples but also helps attract crew/employees to work under you. Some of the tools include:
- Tripod
- Zoom and prime lenses
- A full frame or APS-C camera
- Wireless triggers, etc.
6) Testimonial
The audience these days give more preference to other customer reviews than what you have to say about yourself. So it always comes in handy to have a testimonial ready. The positive comment of customers about your work and studio helps attract an audience along with giving you a boost at work.

Person 2: Hey! Hey! Have told you enough about it now? Hope it helped.
Person 2 being I myself and Person 2 is you.