
Product Photography

Psychology says that a human being takes a lot of decisions thinking that he knows about the subject firmly, that he can see its uses and benefits and in his logical psyche, can create a mini debate to figure out whether he should invest his time or money in it or not. But as we know, everything has its own flaws, just like this statement. We often think that we have a firm grasp over what we decide but a lot of times, our subconscious plays a big role in it too. For example, purchasing a product. We may decide that the particular product is great for us and will benefit us, so we decide to buy it, but several subconscious factors are also at play. For example, the colour of the product, how it looks, what background it’s being displayed in, what is its size, etc. Since so many subconscious factors go into play while making integral decisions, professionals keep it in mind to use it to their advantage. E-commerce sites or any business strives on making their products or services attractive for their consumers which will make them buy it. Product photography is the kind of task that is considered integral for this. Most of the times, especially on e-commerce website, product photographs are displayed for the consumers, and a good photograph is something that can create the difference between a customer buying that product or not buying it. So, let’s discuss in detail what product photography is all about.

Product Photography – What is it?

Photography is more than mere memories of trips, the priceless sunsets, weddings, social gatherings, etc. It is really our day to day lives. Product photography is what you see every day, a gamut from billboards to chocolate wrappers, what you see on cereal boxes, the images you see on the Amazon website, and various other online retailers. Product photography is all this in a whole, the type of photography that displays a product to the consumers and it is a highly important kind of photography in today’s digital world.

Product photography is defined as a type of photography that attractively and precisely portrays a product in any kind of advertising. It is the kind of photography that has the ability to make a crucial improvement in any website. This is because the professionals, who understand this process, use the best background materials, the accurate lighting, precise camera angles, focus, and approximate depth of field, and various other technical features as a portion of their livelihoods. Commercial photography is also associated to this as the products that are photographed are used to promote itself or the brand as a whole. Product photography is usually used for spheres like food, lifestyle, portraiture, architecture, and so forth.

The Benefit of a Good Product Photography Company

Investing in having a professional product photography company is a wise decision because the end results are very much fruitful. One of the most important things that every product photographer must know is that the photography part comes second and the product should have the utmost importance, because the product is the main subject here and it is the one thing that can make or break your company’s sale, as well as his image in his profession. A good company assigns the perfect photographer for the job who makes sure that the product images look so captivating and enticing that several customers will be inclined towards purchasing it.

The most important part of any kind of photography is the equipment that is being used. A good company makes use of the best gears and equipment to make sure the images come out crisp and perfect. Usually, the gears that are being used for the photoshoot vary, depending on the product, but the companies that are professionals, are usually well-equipped with great tech teams and equipment.

Any professional product photography company keeps in mind the two L’s of product photography that can create the difference between good product photography and best product photography.

The Lenses

Lenses, the primary part of every camera, holds quite the importance in product photography. An assortment of lenses are usually preferred by companies because of their sharpness. For detail shots, macro lenses are used as well as tilt-shift lenses for some to avoid distortions.

The Lighting

Equally as important as the lenses is the lighting in which the product is being shot. Professionals aim for taking images in the best lighting in order to make the images aesthetically pleasing. A multi-strobe setup with softboxes, umbrellas, snoots, ringflash, grids, and various other lighting modifiers are used to create the best lighting for your product. Flags are used as well to block unnecessary light.