Product photography though sounds like an easy concept, needs a lot of preparation and a lot of factors to consider before you can get into the process. Just like the concept of product photography a concept of pricing of product photography is also essential. There are a lot of factors that determine the cost of product photography for the price you are going to pay to the photographer to click the perfect pictures of your product.
In case you are making preparations for product photography for a product you wish to sell, you’re still very much unsure about the concept for pricing in product photography and are worried about the budget, this article is going to be helpful for you.
In this article, we are going to talk about the pricing concept of the product photography which will help you in fixing the budget before you start the shooting part.
Why is Product Photography important?
Video content is more likely to engage customers compared to any other type of content. Invesco’s report suggests That about 22% of the people the products back because they think that the products look different from the images they saw online.
In increasing the revenue, the idea of good quality of product photography plays a very important role. This is also the reason why most of the E-commerce exports argue that the pricing in product photography is not that important. The main focus should be to achieve excellent product photography at the price that is corresponding to the price of your product.
You can’t take your customers to the campaign site and shoot them what an incredible product you are selling. It is not possible to show how comfortable your product is to the customers. the only way you’re going to display your product show them its uniqueness is through the images of the product.
It Just takes nanoseconds to click perfect pictures of your product that are also functional and helps and attract customers. So the odds of increasing the sales of your product increases.
We will all agree that picture explains more than words ever can. We cannot disagree that it can be very tiring to read the product descriptions and everything related to the product like the manufacturing date and everything else. Moreover, people who are going through websites looking for products do not have that kind of time or patience to read out the text and they generally choose to only look at the pictures and decide whether to invest in it or not.
By clicking excellent pictures of the product you can solve the problem by yourself. take the pictures of the product from different angles and try to express the best features of your product through photography skills.
How does the pricing of product photography work?
There are three main ways to determine the pricing concept of product photography. you can determine the price of the product Photography by the hour or it can also be determined to buy the product or the image.
- Pricing of product photography by the hour
Charging per hour is the most common and popular Model for product photography. this means you are paying for the time the photographer is spending on clicking the right pictures of the product. following this model also makes it easy for the photographer to calculate the price approximately and give you rates for the product photography very simply.
However, the kind of time the photographer takes to capture different pictures can differ because it entirely depends on these skills and capabilities the photographer has.
Sometimes in the worst-case scenario, it takes a lot of time to capture quality pictures of the product. Therefore, this kind of pricing structure does not work in every case.
- Pricing of product photography by the product
this is another very popular structure for determining the price of product photography. In this case, you pay for the product. Pricing of product photography in this structure depends on how complex your product is. You can also make demand different sorts of photographs for different situations. this pricing structure also comes with a plethora of down slides.
In this kind of price structure, you do not have control over how many pictures you will have at the end so sometimes you can have very few pictures than you expected For the amount you paid.
The photographer at times ends up taking more pictures than they intend to click. This also creates a problem for the photographer. Moreover, the lacking of time constraints can result in Inconsistent quality of results.
- Pricing of Product Photography by the image
Paying for the picture of a product means paying for the number of clicks you want. The photographer will take a lot of photos of the product In different lighting conditions, different backgrounds, and different angles. The photographer before starting with the shooting procedure will inform you of the initial price of Clicking a single picture. And accordingly, you can decide the number of taking that you desire according to your fixed budget.
This particular pricing structure for product photography is extremely helpful and is a good way to decide and manage how many pictures you want the photographer to take The number of images you manage to buy within your budget. The pricing of photography by image is financially beneficial. Moreover, if you are very confident about the photographer that he is going to do a decent job then you can pay him more after the completion of the project.
The service providers will ask you about the number of products you want photographs for. They will also note down the categories of the product, the angles that you prefer for the photographs, the image views in case you have any back in your mind. According to the information given by you, the overall number of photographs that is required will be determining the final cost for the product photography.
Factors affecting the cost of Product Photography

- Product weight
Different sizes and mass of a product bring variation in prices. When lighter products are easier to be prepped and require less equipment to set up themselves. Heavier products are difficult to position and handle during photo shoots. It is difficult for the photographer to adjust the product when it is heavy and hence, the more they work, the more cost is boosted.
To cut down the increasing cost you have to follow certain steps. Firstly, align your product by their weight so that it is easier for the photographer to take consecutive pictures of the products with a similar weight. The next thing you need to do is to get additional help. Ask your studio staff to offer a helping hand to the photographer. And the last and the foremost thing is to check whether your studio equipment is reliable enough to handle the products.
- Props and styling
Every photoshoot requires organizing and planning. It takes hours to create a setup to reset the product, clean the setup and execute the program. Moreover, there is a need for several props and additional objects to complement the product. All of these factors collectively increase the cost of the whole photoshoot. To minimize the pricing, you need a large space in your studio. It becomes easier for the photographer to adjust the props and can be cleaned and assembled. Clumsy spaces can slow down the process and cost you additional fees. Moreover, Product Photography also requires investment in props which is another additional cost along with styling and preparation.
- Hiring models
A lot of products need extra definition and this is where models come in. With the help of a human presence, it is easier to highlight a product especially when they can show the audience how a product can fit in their daily lifestyle. However, hiring models can cost you a fortune. Modelling is a highly paid career and there is no doubt that a model would charge a good sum of money to model for your product.
This solely depends on how much time the model has to work for the photo shoot and how much effort the person has to put into it. Usually, models will charge high fees. Hence, if you are considering hiring a model there are zero chances to avoid these costing as it is inevitable.
- Number of product categories
Various types of products will require various types of setup. Different categories will require different lighting, props, and adjustments. This will increase the production cost and probably the photographer will charge you with higher fees. To reduce this, you need to lessen switching products as much as possible.
The transition from one category to another category should be smooth. So that, as one category of products is done with the photo shoot, a similar type of a category of products should be next in line. This will decrease the number of adjustments put into the photoshoot while switching the products.
- Identification of products
A vital part of Product Photography includes the identification of a product by a photographer. A photographer needs to keep in mind what kind of photos he requires for a significant category of a product. He needs to keep track of what kind of photos he needs and the ones which are not necessary.
The maximum part of the job takes much time in regulating the pictures of a product as a photographer needs to follow various spreadsheets and directories to meet the desired results of the client. It is one of the most critical parts of formulating product pictures.
- Image use
Product pictures are not only useful for E-Commerce stores. You can simultaneously utilize it for better advertisement purposes such as high-end print ads. How the pictures of the products are edited can affect the initial use of the pictures.
If your business requires custom-made advertisement pictures, it is only sensible that you have to pay more than what a normal photoshoot would cost. Ultimately, it is what a client asks for while marketing their products and it solely depends on what platform they are willing to sell the product.
- Editing
Different types of pictures take a different kind of duration to get finished with editing. Components like image quality colour correction number of pieces in the picture clipping paths and shadow adjustments are the important factors influencing the duration of editing. To reduce this cost photographers need to be presented with categorized pictures.
Pictures that do not need much editing should be stacked up at first so that the workflow can be without any hurdles. The result will also depend on the client’s wish. If the clients are not satisfied with the colouring on any component that is keeping the picture from being on the desired grounds will affect the cost.
- Location
The location of the studio and the location of where your products are kept can play a major role in determining the cost of the whole production. If your products are located far away from the studio you would probably have to ship them or have to transfer them into the location of your studio by some means. This will influence your production cost very heavily. To decrease the cost of production, you need to examine your products and then set a location for your studio.
Thus, this was all about the pricing of product photography. The sales of a product pretty much depend on the quality of pictures of the product you produce in front of the customers. Thus the perfect images have a lot of potentials to make the product go a long way in the market.
so by now, one must become familiar with the factors which influence the pricing in photography. You can hire a photographer for clicking the perfect photos of your product. You can also look online for product photography services and choose the right one for you according to your budget.